Monday 2 November 2015

Visit to Cilfynydd Welsh Water Education Centre

As part of our geography project 'Water Worlds', we were lucky enough to visit the Welsh Water Treatment Works at Cilfynydd on Friday 16th October.

We had a great day. We went to the River Taff and carried out an investigation on river flow! We also did a 'River Kick' study to find out which creatures were living in the river. This gave us an indication of the levels of pollution!

We also had a tour of the Waste Water Treatment Works! This was super interesting, if a little smelly!!

DT Week - Pop-up Books!

In the first half term we had our first DT Week in Year 4! 
We investigated, designed, planned and made our own pop-up books!

We enjoyed folding the different pop-up mechanisms, such as the box fold, the mouth fold and the spring!

We were very proud of our pop-up books and enjoyed reading them to the children in year 3! 

Newport Wetlands Visit

We have had a busy start to the new school year! As part of our science topic, we visited Newport Wetlands in October.

We walked around the Wetland habitat and used spotter sheets to identify all the different birds we saw.We saw lots of other creatures along the way, such as dragonflies. 

We all had a go at pond-dipping and caught a variety of creatures, from blood worms and dragonfly nymphs to water beetles and stickleback fish!

We were lucky to have wonderful weather and helpful guides!

Check out some of our photos!