Friday 11 March 2016

Year 4 have been busy this DT week! We have learnt how to make a nightlight. Also we have done an electrical safety PowerPoint presentation, and we have made circuits. We went under the tables where it was dark and tested our nightlight with our circuits. Also, we made 3 different types of switches. They were made out of foil, split pins and paper clips. It was very fun! It was the best Year 4 DT week EVER!
By Naomi Parkhouse and Lucy Jenkins, Class 3

Year 4 DT Week

This D.T week year 4 have been busy designing and making nightlights! We have learnt about electrical safety and we made PowerPoint presentations all about how to stay safe around electricity. We learnt how to make night lights and we looked at some lamp shades. We also played on the iPads, like on an app where you can make your own circuits. We also found lots of electrical DANGERS on a game on the computer! We all enjoyed it and look at some of the night lights that we made! 
By Reubyn Wolfe and Ryan Hunt, Class 3.

Monday 1 February 2016

This term Year 4 are studying the Stuarts! 

On Thursday 21st January, Class 3 and Class 4 visited Llancaiach Fawr Manor. We were guided around the manor by Colonel Prichard's staff, it was like we had stepped back in time! We saw the great hall, the parlour, the bed chambers, the servant's hall and the kitchen. We learnt that people believed that the Great Plague was caused by bad smells so we even got to make our plague bags! We also took part in a workshop where we looked at children's lives in the seventeenth century and played some of the games that they would have played.

Have a look at some of our photos, and keep a look out for blogs written by the children!